A large train maintenance depot in Tilburg's railroad zone has been revived as a knowledge exchange center for digital technology under the name MindLabs. The conversion brings educational institutions, companies and start-ups under one roof to enable collaborations in artificial intelligence, robotics, natural language, virtual reality, avatars and serious gaming. MindLabs offers Tilburg a promising ecosystem of innovation for the technologies of the future.

Hand in hand with this innovative and technological environment goes a high-tech interior with ditto wall systems. In Mindlabs, a wide variety of QbiQ wall systems have been applied and seamlessly combined. For example, there is a wall position that is included in a smoke partition, is fall-through safe and acoustically high quality. Because this wall is executed with slender posts, it perfectly matches the aesthetic image that the architectural firm had in mind.

Ector Hoogstad Architecten
Ector Hoogstad Architecten
Chris Arts - Project Architect / Partner
“The dimensions and certifications of the QbiQ wall systems made it possible to achieve the desired aesthetic image, even with the requested smoke resistance and high acoustic requirements.”

Burgemeester Brokxlaan 1000
5041 SG Tilburg